August Ostien and Lena Tessmer's Wedding Certificate

This is an image of an original wedding certificate for August Ostien and Lena Tessmer, who married on 5 November 1902 in Braddock, PA. The writing is German, reflecting the German heritage of the couple, but the document was actually filled out in Braddock, Pennsylvania.

The certificate reads:

    Das August Ostien
    aus Turtle Creek, Pa.
    und Zerlina Tessmer
    aus Braddock, Pa.
    um 5 November 1902 im Braddock, Pa.

    in Gegenwart der Zeugin (in the Presence of these Witnesses)

    Frieda Tessmer - Jenny Mames(?)

    Ehelich verbinden (Joined in marriage)

    Braddock, Pa der 5 au April 1903

      C. Engelder
      Er lieth? Pastor.

August Ostien's parents were Henry Ostien and Kunagunda Lichauer.

NOTE: Unfortunately we don't know who the owner of this document is (we took a picture of it at the 1997 Ostien Family Reunion). If you know, please let us know so we can provide proper credit.

2001 February 18

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