Catherine Ostien's Birth Record

Below is a copy of Catherine Ostien's birth record from the Allegheny County, Pennsylvania court house in Pittsburgh. Prior to 1906, no official birth records were kept in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, so this is a delayed record of birth.

Catherine Ostien's parents were Frederick and Rosanna Ostien.

Catherine Ostien's Birth Certificate - Pg. 1

Catherine Ostien's Birth Certificate - Pg. 2

Catherine Ostien's Birth Certificate - Pg. 3

Brian B. Mathewson

Catherine Ostien married Harvey Budinger in 1913. They had two children, but Harvey died in 1918. She later married Joseph Adams.

A discrepancy on the birth record shows her mother's name as Rosanna Ostien in part 2(a), and Catherine Lichaner in part 2(l). Her mother's name was Rosanna Lichauer. More information about her parents is at Frederick & Rosanna Ostien.

This record is from the Allegheny County Court House. This and other records are public information, and copies can be requested for a nominal fee. See the Allegheny County WebSite for more information.

2001 March 25

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